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​​Created under the responsibility of BCV’s Governor, the Securities Market Audit Office (AGMVM) is the service responsible for supervising the securities market, in accordance with Article 5 (1) of the securities code approved by decree-law. No. 1/2012, dated 27 January, republished on 3 April. Its mission is to supervise and regulate the securities and derivative financial instruments markets (traditionally known as “stock exchange markets”) and the activity of all agents that operate on them​.

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Imagem do canal Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Prevention

This space is dedicated to regulation and supervision related to the prevention and fight against Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorism Financing (TF) crimes.

 In these terms, market operators, investors and users in general are offered information on this matter, namely:

i) the national legislation on the prevention and repression of those crimes and the regulatory measures adopted by the Regulator of the Cabo Verdean Financial System;

ii) about the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA);

iii) the jurisdictions considered as high risk of ML by the FATF;

iv) lists of persons and entities sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council and other international bodies and institutions with responsibilities in this area; and

v) the country's first ML/TF National Risk Assessment (NRA) exercise.

United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) resolutions on preventing and combating terrorism and its financing

The freezing of terrorist funds, under relevant UNSC Resolutions, is a legally binding obligation for member states, with immediate action and implementation being mandatory in all countries.
As required by Article 12 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Cabo Verde, UNSC Resolutions take effect immediately in the Cabo Verdean legal system.

Based on this, below you will find the relevant Resolutions of that Council for the prevention and fight against the crime of terrorism and its financing.