17/05/2019 Resumo I9A The mission of Banco de Cabo Verde’s Market Conduct Supervision Office is to supervise the conduct of financial institutions in the banking and insurance sectors, as part of the supply and marketing of financial products and services to the public.The duties of the Market Conduct Supervision Office are, namely, to: - Handle complaints, information requests and queries related to negotiated, offered or provided financial products and services, which have not yet been resolved by an arbitration, administrative or judicial authority;- Analyze financial institutions’ pricing proposals and their changes, as well as advertising campaigns for products and services subject to Banco de Cabo Verde’s supervision and the codes of conduct submitted by institutions;- Inspect financial institutions in the context of relations with their customers;- Propose regulatory initiatives in matters related to market conduct supervision and adopt appropriate measures in cases where the assessment of the institutions’ performance reveals non-compliance and/or practices that violate rules that Banco de Cabo Verde is responsible for ensuring;- Propose the initiation of administrative offense proceedings in the context of market conduct supervision;- Promote financial education by establishing and implementing financial education strategies and initiatives with the public.The Market Conduct Supervision Office receives customers of financial institutions in the banking and insurance sectors at Banco de Cabo Verde's headquarters, daily, from 8:30 am to 11:00 am. Appointments can be scheduled via email (gsc@bcv.cv) or telephone (2607000). Partilhar