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Banco de Cabo Verde was established on September 29, 1975 and was then entrusted with the duties of central bank and issuer, foreign exchange authority, treasury and commercial and development bank. In August 1993, a new Banco de Cabo Verde Organic Law was passed, with the bank starting to act exclusively as a central bank, having successively been given increased responsibilities in the area of supervision and control of the various institutions operating in the money and financial markets, including the insurance sector and the capital market.​
Imagem do canal Mission and Objective Mission and Objective

​Banco de Cabo Verde was established on September 29, 1975 and was then entrusted with the duties of central bank and issuer, foreign exchange authority, treasury and commercial and development bank.

Imagem do canal History History
​​Banco de Cabo Verde directly succeeded the Cabo Verdean branches of Banco Nacional Ultramarino and Banco de Fomento Nacional.

Imagem do canal Constitution Constitution

Article 92

Banco de Cabo Verde is the central bank. It holds the exclusive right to issue currency.

Imagem do canal Organic Law Organic Law
​Banco de Cabo Verde is the Central Bank of the Republic of Cabo Verde, and in this capacity, it shall be responsible for ensuring and regulating the creation, circulation and value of the national currency.

Imagem do canal BCV’s Organizational Structure BCV’s Organizational Structure
The environment of organizations (economic, technological, political, legal, sociocultural contexts, etc.) is currently characterized by constant and profound changes, with impacts on their lives, businesses and strategies, ultimately influencing their structures. Depending on the sector and the magnitude of such changes, adjustments in terms of their organizational structure to facilitate and boost the implementation of new strategies may or may not be justified.

With regard to Banco de Cabo Verde, the last adjustment to its organizational structure took place in 2015. After this adjustment, the Executive Board approved a new Strategic Plan covering the 2016-2019 period. It aims to address several challenges and opportunities that shape the Bank's external environment, alongside its internal environment. To that end, the aforementioned Plan contains a set of Strategic Objectives and the ways and means to achieve them. 

It is worth mentioning that, establishing strategies is as important as creating organizational conditions for their successful implementation. It is here that the organization structure is called upon to play an important role, insofar as it is an essential instrument for developing and implementing plans and strategies.

Imagem do canal Organizational Chart Organizational Chart
​​​​​​Banco de Cabo Verde’s organizational structure

Download the Organizational Chart

Imagem do canal Legislation Legislation

​Banking, Insurance and Capital Markets

See the laws published in the Official Bulletin

Imagem do canal International Relations International Relations
With a view to strengthening its international presence, Banco de Cabo Verde has been taking a more strategic and proactive stance with regard to handling international affairs, whether in the area of negotiations, participation in international forums, or its relationship with other central banks and similar bodies.

Imagem do canal Deposit Guarantee Fund Deposit Guarantee Fund

The bill that created the Deposit Guarantee Fund was unanimously passed in Parliament on October 26, 2016. Initiated by Banco de Cabo Verde as part of the Financial System Basic Law, the bill was presented by the Government.

Imagem do canal BCV’s Strategic Plan 2016-2019 BCV’s Strategic Plan 2016-2019
The Strategic Plan is an essential management tool, especially in a context of globalization of economies and markets, uncertainty, and fast paced technological innovations. It is intended to focus the institution's activities, always bearing in mind the challenges identified, along with guidelines issued by senior management.